Diwali-A Global Festival

Mahathi.C.A, IIK Young Contributor
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Diwali which is also known as ‘The festival of lights’ is a festival which is celebrated by people all over the world. It symbolizes the rich cultural heritage of our country India. Nowadays, Indians all over the world take part in celebrating this festival. Being an NRI, even I do celebrate this festival every year.

Diwali, through the eyes of the Hindu mythology symbolizes the win of good over evil and the coming back of Rama and Sita along with their brother Lakshmana back to Ayodhya after a long exile of 14 years from their kingdom. It also remarks the killing of the demon Narakasura by Lord Krishna. Diwali is also celebrated to worship Goddess Lakshmi, who is symbolized with luxury and prosperity.

Diwali is known as the festival of light due to the illumination of the nights during the festival. People light their houses and surroundings using Diyas, candles, lamps, lanterns etc. This also symbolizes the parting away of darkness and establishment of light. Light symbolizes knowledge, prosperity, good health, wealth etc. Moreover, the vibrant crackers which we burst during the festival gives an exuberant light which spreads across the sky.

Other noticeable ways of celebration are by making rangolis. Many families in the north India and other NRIs make colorful rangolis. In some places competitions are held to sort out the best rangolis. Sweets make a main part in the feast. Many families prepare a wide variety of dishes and sweets during the festival which are shared amongst themselves. People all over the world greet each other through messages and greeting cards and celebrate this festival gladly. Many stalls, fairs and melas are put across the streets which gives a truly holy ambience.

Since, people come together and celebrate this festival together irrespective of the constraints they have, this festival also symbolizes unity in diversity. The happiness seen on the faces of the children while playing and bursting firecrackers gives a sense of positivity and enlightenment. This also symbolizes a bond of love and enjoyment among people. In some countries, there are restrictions for bursting crackers and celebrations. There is only a short period of time for celebration. But still, the ways of celebrating Diwali are endless. We celebrate it by attending the shows and plays put up by organizations and share our love and happiness through those means.

As a conclusion, Diwali is a festival which is celebrated throughout the world by Indians which attracts the people from other countries and territories as well. It is a festival of joy and celebration. As an NRI, I and my family also celebrate this festival and take pride in celebrating it as an Indian.

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