Bhavans IES Celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

International Day of the Girl Child is an international observance day declared by the United Nations to strongly support the girls’ empowerment and to significantly increase the awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide. This year, the global theme of the celebration was "My Voice, Our Equal Future," a reminder to listen to girls, to understand the changes they wish to see and to ensure that all of them have an equal opportunity for a bright, safe and healthy future. Bhavans Indian Education School, Kuwait celebrated the day under the auspices of the Departments of Social Science and English on October 11, 2020.
The virtual classrooms witnessed a series of activities when the students enthusiastically participated in various events held by the Department of Social Science. The students of grade 4 were shown a video related to the theme of the celebration, and the students of grades 5 and 6 partook in the character-portrayal displaying some famous women personalities from all over the world. The young artists portrayed how the women had become so popular despite all the odds they had to face while achieving their goals. The strong message conveyed by the students on this auspicious day was ‘nothing can hold back girls from achieving what they desire’. The students of grades 7 and 8 prepared excellent posters and eye-catching slogans and made short films on the theme "Save the Girl Child- My Voice, Our Equal Future". The students of 9G presented a video on ‘Women Empowerment’.

The Department of English also conducted activities such as poster making, poetry writing and article writing based on the theme ‘Girl Child’ during the English periods. When the young aspiring poets of IES, with their imaginative and creative flair, wrote magnificent poems that could really impress their teachers and classmates, the talented designers made colorful posters with extraordinary enthusiasm.

The celebration, which aimed at highlighting the importance of girls’ empowerment and addressing the needs and challenges girl children face, turned out to be a momentous event in the activity log of IES that garnered praises from the parents and well-wishers of Indian Education School, Kuwait – a school that believes in the holistic development of its students drifting away from conventional rote learning and memorization of facts and theorems.


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