Teachers: The Angels With Hidden Wings

Reyna Mary John, IIK Reporter
Friday, September 4, 2020

“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best” – Bob Talbert

An angel dressed in normal clothes, with their wings tucked in and their halos dimmed, still managing to glow with an aura that blinds one with love, kindness, and expertise that can bypass any book. And these can be decided by not even blinking an eye. Their presence demands unquestionable respect which neither mortal nor immortal shall dare to deprive them off. Such powerful creatures whose influence spreads like ink in water are none other than our darling yet undermined teachers.

Teacher, guru, adhyapak, shikshak. So many different names for the same mage of knowledge. Their love and emotional capacity exceed the capacity of the oceans of the world and the voids of the universe. They can always tell what we are hiding behind our facades, the facades that crumble and disintegrate within a matter of seconds when they look at you with so much adoration. Every student has experienced that overwhelming feeling of safety when near our teachers. They know just how to both bring out our best and divert our attention from the hurt to something much more enjoyable.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for them. Hadn’t it been for them, I would have still been that submissive shy kid who was too afraid to express her opinion. It’s because of them I began writing, I entered competitions, I spoke up. I wouldn’t know how to live life, to laugh without inhibitions, to let truly let go. My teachers were, no, are my best friends. They were always the first to know what was troubling me. The first to comfort me. The first to whom I would open up to. They inspired me to start writing, I dedicated my first works to them. They are the reason I began to take care of myself, the reason I began to compete, my first wins belong to them.

They seem to be magical - oh who am I kidding, they are magical. But we seem to forget this. We look at them and judge at face value. We always take them for granted, like the water from an everlasting fountain that flows day and night. Sometimes we forget that they are humans. That they have feelings too. That we aren’t the only ones who hurt and persevere through a day. We forget that our teachers too, have families to take care of, they too have problems to solve every day. Yet all we do is trouble them day in and day out.

Teacher's day is the one day of the year that people suddenly open their eyes and fall to their feet, offering praises upon praises to their teachers. Politicians will give long speeches on how they would be here without their teachers. Celebrities post long heartfelt messages about their teachers. Social media floods with thousands of messages, pictures, anecdotes and so much more. But is that really enough? One day- is just one day, enough to thank them for everything they do? No, no it is not. They have to be appreciated every single day, after our parents we owe them our lives. But apparently, we only seem to realize that they are amazing, impossibly patient, loving, intelligent beings on teachers’ day.

But since today is teacher day, find ways to make it special for our teachers. Ring them up and tell them how much they matter to you. Write letters expressing your gratitude. Make them pretty cards with heartfelt messages. Gather all your friends and throw a surprise party for your teachers through zoom. Send them videos of you and your classmates wishing them. There is so much we can do!

But don’t stop there, our teacher deserves all the love and respect in the world so make sure she or he gets it. it doesn’t take much to study a little harder, to be a bit quieter, to respond when they ask you for something. It doesn’t take much to wish them good morning and goodnight, to hug them and tell them they are the best every day. It doesn’t take much to call them and ask how they are doing and to take an interest in what they do.

Teachers play a very important role in our lives, they shape and mould us into the people we are today. They are our role models. Everything we do is directly or indirectly all because of them. So the next time you meet your teacher don’t forget to give them a hug and tell them about their greatness. Cause let’s be honest, we are nothing without them.

Reyna Mary John
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