New curfew pass to visit farms and chalets

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Ministry of the Interior started a new permit for citizen during the total ban to visit farms and chalets.

Please can select "Change of residence during Curfew" as the reason for going out from the PACI curfew pass website This will allow 4 hour permission for people to go out to farms, chalets, private places, and others.

This permit is a temporary permit that is granted once per person and is only available for two days from Thursday evening, and the duration of the permit is only 4 hours, the owner of the permit can go and return again, as well as the home driver can go and return with the permit for 4 hours.

The Ministry of Interior stressed the need to confirm attendance upon arrival at the destination through the “Curfew Permits” application, since in the event that attendance is not installed through the application, the system will automatically prevent the permit owner from obtaining any other permits in the future.


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