Kuwait Malayalam Toastmasters Inaugural meeting

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Kuwait Malayalam Toastmasters conducted the first meeting on 30th April 2020. It was a historic milestone for Malayalam lovers in Kuwait.

Many eminent Toastmasters from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Kerala joyfully participated in the online Zoom meeting from 5 pm to 7 pm. TM Thomas Selvan, a former president of Bhavan’s Toastmasters Club, opened the meeting and explained the ground rules.

Area 20 Director TM Xavier Yesudas extended a warm welcome to all. Division E Administrative Manager TM Sheeba Premugh poetically elaborated on the theme of the day "a rain in summer."

DTM George Meladan Thomas, a pioneer in the Malayalam Toastmasters movement in Oman, gave an account of various benefits a member can derive from Toastmasters. TM Bijo P. Babu, a passionate Toastmaster, beautifully introduced the word of the day "survival."

TM Mahesh Iyer, the principal of Smart Indian School, spoke from the bottom of his heart about the life of Keralites in Kuwait. TM Thomas Selvan entertained the audience with his voracious speech with spices of humor. DTM Premugh Bose and TM Prashanth Kavalangadu evaluated the speeches of TM Mahesh and TM Thomas, respectively.

The Vice President Education of Bhavan's Toastmasters Club, TM Beetha Johnson conducted a vibrant Table Topics session in which speakers expressed their views about instant topics within a time limit of one to two minutes.

The President of Bhavan's Toastmasters Club TM Sunil Thomas fabulously spearheaded the evaluation session. The vivacious TM Bhavitha Bright submitted the 'Ah Counter' Report. The ardent TM Santhosh Pathrose clocked the time precisely.

Leaders from Toastmasters fraternity in Kuwait - DTM Alka Kumra, DTM Annadatha Murali Manohar, DTM Anilkumar G. Revanker, DTM Christy Kulathooran, AD TM Allen Paul, DTM John Joseph, DTM Sindumol Thomas, and DTM Bindu John graced the occasion with their wholehearted presence.

Mr.Thomas Mathew Kadavil, a distinguished member of the World Malayalam Council, participated in the meeting. TM Sasi Krishnan, a renowned artist and former president of Bhavan's Toastmasters Club, also took part in the meeting.

Toastmaster International is a worldwide non-profit organization that promotes public speaking and leadership skills of its members. Currently, there are more than 256,000 members in more than 16,600 Toastmasters clubs spread across the world.

For knowing more about Toastmasters and becoming a member in Kuwait Malayalam Toastmaster Club, please contact

Xavier Yesudas at 00965 97213806 or Premugh Bose 00965 99024673


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