Turkish and Kuwait Airways fly expats to Turkey and Philippines

Friday, April 3, 2020

A plane of Turkish Airways is flying from Kuwait to Istanbul, Turkey, with 342 passengers on board, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said on Friday.

The DGCA said the flight would be part of a plan to facilitate return of residents willing to go back home.

Another flight on an aircraft of the national carrier is flying 300 passengers to Manila, the Philippines, also according to the same arrangement. This plane carry 300 Filipinos, whose residency permits expired and were allowed to leave the country without payment of fines.

The flight was part of a process to encourage expatriates with expired residencies to leave the country without payment of fines.

Kuwait had announced amnesty for illegal residents starting with Filipinos, 1000s of Filipinos had come to avail the amnesty on the first day itself. Kuwait will send them to their country in a special flight.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com