MP Safa Al-Hashem blame wide-scale irregularities in the demographic balance

Friday, April 3, 2020

MP Safa Al-Hashem said that the country is suffering today because of the wide-scale irregularities in the demographic balance which is severely tilted in favor of expats by 3 to 1. Local newspaper reported quoting her Twitter that the problem is caused by visa traders and expatriate mafia which has infiltrated into the government and some of them are in important positions and have contributed to the rise of expats.

The lawmaker said she had in the past submitted many proposals and made calls but all of them went unheeded and that is why the country is reeling under the impact of coronavirus.

A large number of lawmakers have already pressed the government to resolve the issue of expats with some calling to offer incentives to expats to leave to their countries to reduce the burden on the health system.

In the meantime, Kuwait had started the amnesty for illegal residents to leave the country without any financial burden. More than 1000 came to benefit this scheme in the first day itself.


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