Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Dr. Joseph Tharakan
Monday, March 9, 2020

What is this?
This is a common condition seen worldwide and also in the Middle East.
It is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain related to defecation and associated with change in stool frequency, or stool form. There may be also bloating of the abdomen.

What are the causes?
The cause of this condition is not entirely clear though stress, increased sensitivity of the bowel wall, previous infections of the gastrointestinal tract and abnormal movement (motility) of the bowel are believed to contribute.

The diagnosis is usually made by exclusion-meaning that stool, blood tests and endoscopy(examining the bowel with a flexible fiberoptic tube) are usually negative or normal. This condition is usually managed symptomatically. Patients with increasing constipation are given bulk laxatives, encouraged to have a high fiber diet and take more exercise. Those with diarrhoea are usually given imodium or bile salt binding agents or probiotics (live yoghurt).

Bloating is usually managed with antiflatulent medication like simethicone while pain is treated with antispasmodics and occasionally antidepressant tablets which act on the bowel as well. Diet management is very important and a dietitian can help in this regard while in very difficult cases, cognitive behavioral therapy may help.

If you require any further advice, please feel free to come visit me at Hadi Clinic.

Dr. Joseph Tharakan
Consultant Internal Medicine
Fellow of the Royal College of physician (UK) (FRCP)
Member of American College of Gastroenterology (AGA)
Hadi Clinic


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