“We are the Future Designers”, Exclaims Bhavans SIS

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The kindergarteners of Bhavans Smart Indian School received yet another opportunity to equip their fingers and train them for any strong task through “Cut and Paste” competition held in January, 2020. The designers and artists of tomorrow, worked their hands with the scissors cautiously, trying not to cross the borders of the pictures, thereby trying to bring perfection to the picture given to them.

The kids then assembled the cut parts of the picture and pasted them on the construction sheet provided with great pride and glee. The judges had a tough time deciding on the winners as most of them looked perfect since been trained by their art teachers.

The competition not only helped them with bilateral hand coordination and motor skills but also enabled them to grasp patterns, focus and attention something what the proud school usually focuses on with their students.


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