Let the Stars Shine

Johan V S
Monday, January 6, 2020

Nelson Mandela said, “History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of the children” The question, however is, do we? As the first term exams are over, most of us students have gone through a lot of unpleasant situations at home and school. Even when we praise and admire Einstein, Bill Gates or our own Sachin Tendulkar most of us believe that exams and their results are the only factors that decide a student’s future. Very often we come across children who do not do well in studies. Teachers, parents and classmates of these children do not fail to remind them very often that they are big failures simply because they do not fare well in their exams. In the school records, their names appear in the weak student’s list.

This incident took place some time ago. A student I know, let’s call him Tim, was a very good writer. Reading his poems and articles would make you want more of his writing. But Mathematics was all Greek to him, and Science was all Latin. He didn’t perform well in the exams which was a concern to his teachers and disgrace to his parents. He was pressurized to score higher and when he could not, he started believing he was good for nothing. His talents were left unnoticed and they eventually vanished. He did not write again. A talented writer in him was strangled by his own parents and teachers! His wonderful writing was put to an end by an uncanny belief instilled by society. Was that fair? This is the reason my conscience probed me to write an article on such a grave matter.

Today most of the society would believe modern education is perfect for children. Those who are unable to understand or cope with it are below average. But what many people fail to realize is that these so called ‘weak students’ have a strong potential to do something else. The tragic thing is that many people do not understand that studies and marks in the exam do not define your whole life. If a student is not good at Mathematics or Science, give him a pen and paper and he may write an amazing composition. Give him a stage and he may go on to rock the world. Give him a field to play and he will show you to play as well as Messi or Dhoni does. The list is endless. These talents are overshadowed by the fact that they do not perform well in the exams. How does that make them a weak student in any way? Eventually these negative thoughts, such as they can’t do well, they are stupid etc. churn up in the child’s mind making him believe he can never be successful.

The result is -their talents diminish and become nothing more than a shadow of what they could have become. We rarely find the star within them. “Terrible”, you would say if you saw their report card. But would you say the same if they could compensate for this loss with a spectacular talent? Ostracized from society, these children feel lonely and do not get the support they need. It is not that I am against education system in schools. But some sort of injustice is done when we judge a student only by the marks. It is like judging a fish by its skill to climb trees. Due to the unnecessary importance given to marks scored in exams which rarely assess their other talents, some children lose their confidence and become what we call them – ‘weak.’

Now you may ask what the solution is. I say ‘you’, parents and teachers. Be the change. We need to focus on their strengths. When they are not able to perform well in the exams do not stamp them as weak students or slow learners. Be the first one to offer help and support. Be the first to appreciate them when they achieve something, big or small. When they do something great, encourage them and cheer them on. Miracles do happen. People won’t notice it immediately, but society will not stay blind forever. When they notice a change this powerful, they will be compelled to follow. This maybe just a small start, but it is a start. Before stamping them weak, try to explore their talents. Then give support to them to strengthen their weak areas. This is how you can do justice to them. Let those stars shine and make us proud. I leave you with this question to ponder.

Will you help unleash the stardom within them?


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com