Bhavans Kindergarten School Chocolate Day

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chocolates were once considered as the food for Gods. Chocolate beans were considered very precious as they were very expensive. Children love chocolate in any form: bar, drink, melted, frosted and even powdered. That being said, are chocolates healthy for kids? Well yes, Chocolates are stress relievers and energy boosters. Chocolate milk contains 16 essential nutrients and dark chocolates have antioxidants that help keep diseases at bay.

Kindergarten is all about celebration. Celebrating childhood, as the most authentic period of life. There are so many days celebrated in the Kindergarten section of Bhavans IES and Jack and Jill Nursery at Mangaf. Among all the days celebrated, the Chocolate day holds a special place in every child’s heart. This year’ “Chocolate Day,” was celebrated on the 30th of October 2019. A circular was sent to the parents regarding the confectionary to be sent. They were asked to send muffins and cakes.

The teachers bought Hershey’s Chocolate syrup to garnish the cakes and muffins. They were asked to wear brown, cream or white coloured dress and felt chocolaty when they literally savoured every bite of the yummy chocolate syrup drizzled muffins and cakes! It was a whole new experience for them. A colouring activity pertaining to the topic was done in the class. Photographs were clicked class-wise, against a backdrop adorned for the day.

We have always used chocolates to celebrate children’s achievements or as an encouragement to perform better next time. This interaction fosters a sense of positivity and thus creates a strong bond with the children. This sugar-coated little show of support will go a long way in boosting a child’s morale. So, let’s continue celebrating it year after year and cherish the beautiful moments spent with children, who are indeed gifts of God!


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