MEW to replace Sodium bulbs streetlights with LED bulbs

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ministry of Electricity and Water has started replacing the sodium bulbs used as streetlights with LED bulbs on a number of streets especially in the new housing projects.

According to Aljarida daily, the total load on the electricity network due to lighting the streets is 106.3MW. This load is expected to decrease to 31.1MW, by almost 71 percent, if the bulbs in all areas of Kuwait are replaced with LED bulbs. The replacement of sodium bulbs with LED bulbs will save about KD ten million per year.

The sodium bulbs on streets in Abu Halifa, Mutla, South Sabah Al-Ahmad and East Sabah Al-Ahmad residential areas are being replaced by LED bulbs.

There is also a recommendation to use the same technology for lighting Fahaheel Road.


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