IIK conducted Photography Workshop

Monday, October 14, 2019

Selected lucky winners of the Photography Contest organised by popular community portal IndiansinKuwait.com had an exclusive opportunity to attend a Photography Workshop titled "The Art of Photography" by the passionate photographer Mr Cajetan Barretto.

IIK Photography Contest was conducted in the month of September where a large number of Photography lovers participated. Judges selected one winner and 15 lucky participants, who got a chance to attend this Photography Workshop.

Photography Workshop was conducted by Mr Cajetan Barretto, who is a passionate photographer and has traveled to the highest Himalayan peaks and the depths of the ocean to capture the beauty around us. This workshop was held at Gurkul, Salmiya.

Winner of the Photography contest Ms Unnimaya Nambudiri received Nikon D3400 Camera sponsored by Ashraf & Co at the workshop. Prize was given by Mr Cajetan Barretto and IIK team.

The workshop helped participants to learn more about the technical aspects of photography. How to understand the aperture, focul length and shutter speeds depending on the environment. Workshop also helps them to interact with similar minds and grow to become better photographer.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com