Group Rhyme Competition at Bhavan’s SIS

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Rhymes are an essential part of developing language and communication skills of children. Rhymes take the children on a journey to the fantasy land which they visualize. The group aspect of the competition encourages them to improve their social skills as they interact with their peers. Recitation of rhymes also are put to test their memory and their confidence in delivery. Bhavans has always focused on the complete learning for their students so that they excel in all the fields.The Kindergarten wing of Bhavan’s Smart Indian School held its Group Action Rhyme competition for Pre-KG and KG-1.

The kindergartners cherished this opportunity as all the groups took to the stage to showcase their skills. The bubbling and enthusiastic tiny tots recited rhymes and swayed to the rhythm of it. The rhyme teachers and class teachers guided the kids by taking their practice regularly and instilling in them confidence. The audience was left dazzled by the confidence and the recital skills of the tiny tots. Their enthusiasm, expressions and sung words struck an emotion of amazement and joy as was visible on the faces of their teachers and audience. Every group gave their best performance and won the hearts of everyone in the crowd.

The judges had a tedious job in assessing the wonderfully talented kids. After much deliberation, the final results were announced. The top groups were awarded prizes and their photographs were taken. It was a great day for all the kindergartners as they put up a great show. The competition helped them to increase their verbal skills and vocabulary. It also gave them stage experience and made them more comfortable with the concept of performing on stage with other peers to reflect their skills in future endeavors.


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