Increasing number of expatriate bachelors fears ‘sexual harassment’ against kids

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The increasing number of expatriate bachelors may lead to increase in number of sexual harassment against children, an article published by local daily Arab Times says.

According to report, number of specialists warned about the increase in the number of cases of sexual harassment against children due to the decline in the number of expatriate families and subsequent increase in the number of bachelors. According to report, large number of expatriate families left the country due to the increased rents and increasing cost of living and medical fees.

Report says that many of the labourers who can be seen wandering the streets of expat populated areas lack the necessary morals that would reflect positively in their attitude.

Quoting Social expert Dr Abdullah Al-Hamad, the report says that this phenomenon was unknown in the Kuwaiti society in the past but it emerged and eventually increased since the oil era and the entry of a huge number of expatriates of different nationalities and different cultures to Kuwait.

The report stressed the need to toughen the punishment for such crimes to death penalty.


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