Bhavan’s SIS holds Quran Recitation Competition

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Department of Islamic Studies organized the Quran Recitation Competition on the premises of Bhavan’s Smart Indian School. Over 60 students from grades 1 to 8 participated in the event and gave the best that they could invest in it. The initiation came from the Department of Islamic Studies where the opportunity to strive towards perfection for the verses from the Holy Quran was given to them. The competition garnered huge appreciation from the side of teachers where the students were greatly admired for their pious and fervent delivery of the verses. The reciters, who had come prepared for the competition, were gathered in the Prayer Room to recite the verses from the Holy Book of Quran. The assessment of the competition was assisted by the Department of Arabic.

The children, with due respect and honour, paid reverence during the recital. The students recited the verses from different suras, and it ranged from short portion to lengthy passages. Memorization, spontaneity and fluency were assessed during the competition. The competition helped the students show keenness in memorizing the verses as well as to expand their knowledge on the teachings of Islam. The winners of three positions were selected and awarded in each class. Thus, the value of scripture was rightly imparted to nurture the God-fearing side in children.


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