Imagination In Action - The Creative Hat Day

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Creativity is the key to success in the future. It involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way and passion is one great force that unleashes creativity.

The main aim of Bhavans is to create a generation creating new things, not simply aping what others have done.
Every year the Kindergarteners of IES and Jack and Jill (nursery branch of Bhavans at Mangaf) celebrate this day with great fervor. It is indeed a fiesta of creativity where one can witness hats of various sizes, shapes, themes and vivid colours. This year the creative hat day was celebrated on 9th of May 2019. The children came dressed in outfits which coordinated well with their beautifully created hats. The children were escorted onstage by their class teacher and the display of their hats just left the audience flabbergasted. All pairs of eyes in the auditorium were glued to the bunch of kids strutting across the ramp showcasing a range of chic and stylish hats, which was quite evident when all the Kindergarteners flashed a smile with elegance and style while walking up the stage flaunting their beautiful hats. The saying ‘behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first’ was embodied most vibrantly and truthfully.

As is with every celebration in Kindergarten, the main bulletin board was beautifully decorated with miniature creative hats and a class activity was done in class. The teachers as well as the children were relaxed by the end of all feeling satiated after a beautiful, creative day.
Last but not the least, creativity is the greatest expression of liberty: liberty of the mind, heart and soul!


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