The Mother: Celestial Blessings

Salim Desai
Thursday, March 21, 2019

“God can’t be everywhere, so therefore He made Mothers” what a beautiful proverb.

Mother…. One word which may be pronounced differently in different parts of the world but the feeling behind is divine and same everywhere.

Mother…. Through whom God creates the world. Be it human or animal. We all are a creation of her body and soul.

Mother ….Who protects us more than her life when we are born little and defenseless in this world.

Mother…. We submerge in the warmth of her love and hugs.
Mother… the first word, usually children speak.

Mother….who holds our finger when we put our first step to walk. She is the one who keeps us from falling.

Mother…. Whose arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.

Mother…..Whose fingers in our hair give a soothing touch.

Mother…..Whose shoulder is the best place to put your head on and cry.

Mother… Whose one kiss heals all wounds either physical or psychological.

Mother …..Whose one pat is inspiring to conquer the world.

Mother… Whose beating or scolding never hurts her child.

Her attribute of sacrifice is matchless. Her sacrifice starts when she holds the baby in her womb. She sacrifices her sleep, her meal and her time. Baby can feel her tender love even in the belly.

Mother understands everything and forgives everything.

Forgiveness is her virtue, and I am sure that no one can match that quality of mother. A mother’s heart is always with her children. This story proves it.

Once there was a man who wanted to be rich instantly, so he went to one magician. He tells the man to go and get his mother’s heart for some ritual and then he will become rich and famous. So that greedy man kills his mother and takes out her heart to the magician. On the way, he stumbles on a stone and falls. His mother’s heart also slips from his hand and lands on the ground. Oh! The mother's heart speaks out” son, did u get hurt? Be careful my dear”.

Even though her son killed her, she cares for him. The only mother can show this kind of forgiveness. She will forgive her children’s gravest mistakes and will never have any grudge towards them.

Mother is ultimate in love for her children. She wants them to grow, prosper and reach great heights. She loves her child unconditionally and without any expectations in future. She loves her child, be it dark or fair, smart or slow, handsome or ugly. She feels that her child is the best as it is part of her body.

Mother is the most influential person to shape the future of the child. She nurtures and teaches the values in the child. She shapes up the child’s character and outlook.

What we are today is because of our mothers. Mother is sweet…; mother is tender…… mother is lovely….mother is merciful.

Someone asked Prophet Mohamed PBUH, who is the best to be adored after God and Prophet… he said mother…… who is next…..he said mother……who is next………he said mother….who is next…….father. So her place is three times higher than of the father.

She has all divine qualities which are necessary for a good life in this world. Let’s seek forgiveness from her and seek her blessings. Let’s learn how to love unconditionally. Let’s take her quality of sacrifice to make this world more beautiful and peaceful. Let’s take her class of understanding to have space for all.

Friends, as I said a mother is divine, so let’s take care of her in our best ability before it's late and get some glimpses of heaven in this world only.

Salim Desai is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with Al Razzi Holding Co KSC. He holds MBA, CMA, CIPA and also passed CPA. He is an expertise in Finance analysis and Investments and passionate educationist.
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