Crime rate in Jleeb AlShuyoukh dropped by 27 percent

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The crime rate in Jleeb AlShuyoukh area is reduced by 27 percent in Dec 2018 compared to the same period the previous year.

According to report, the efforts by various government bodies in launching inspection campaigns in Jleeb AlShuyoukh helped to achieve this.

The campaigns resulted in arresting 500 people and referring them to relevant authorities, closing down scores of violating stores, removing tons of violating goods and half a ton of waste, tracking down street vendors and removing violations on public property.

The sources added only 841 felonies were filed in Dec 2018 compared to 1,044 in the same period of 2017, and that crimes filed were only 292 compared to 380 in Dec 2017.


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