Bhavan’s SIS induces ‘Save a Penny’

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Bhavan’s Smart Indian School encouraged and educated the kids to save money through ‘Save a Penny’ activity in the month of December. The habit to induce financial skill in the budding minds was highlighted through this activity. This crucial act in life for a better living was encouraged by the Kindergarteners to put a minimum of 100 fills in the piggy bank.

This noble act of inculcating gradual saving was started two months back. The students have really invested interest and excitement in dropping and heaping the money in the piggy bank. They were also introduced to the act of helping in addition to saving. The teachers who have the great influence on students’ mind were also persuaded to teach the life values of being the investors, savers and givers. The value of patience and fruits obtained through waiting were also learnt through this activity.

The children were cheerful in giving the savings of their piggy banks to the school charity box. They were well exposed to the greatest lesson of learning a Life Skill.


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