New Year’s Resolution: Self-Development

Sunday, January 6, 2019

What would you like to change in your life?

A New Year is traditionally the time to stop, take inventory and set positive goals for life. And you don't have to focus only on diets or exercise. Improving the quality of your life is broader and more comprehensive a goal and ultimately more important than your waistline. Remember: today is the start of the rest of your life. There's no good reason to dwell on the problems of the past unless you want to make yourself feel bad! You can only change the present and then the future. It's never too late. At any age, you should be making your next plan. Life can always be made richer; fuller and more joyous.

How should you take inventory? I'm not going to give you a "quality of life" test. However I will list issues for your consideration so that you can decide if these areas merit improvement. Towards this purpose, I shall list issues in alphabetical order, and not necessarily in an order of importance. You are the person who decides the relevance of these issues in your life. Positive life skills include: assertiveness; behavior control; communication skills; empathy/understanding others; fun and adventure; happiness and optimism; healthy sleep; honesty and ethics; maximizing health; organization and time management; problem-solving; relaxation; self-awareness/self-identity; self-care; self-confidence; self-esteem; setting and realizing goals; social connectedness/relationship skills; stress management. Other life-skills can be: managing negative or problem behaviors such as: addictions; aggression and violence; depression and anxiety; escapism; guilt; hypersensitivity; obsessions and compulsions; perfectionism; procrastination; trauma reactions; workaholism.

No list is comprehensive, but this list is intended to stimulate your thinking; to make you introspect and for you to consider areas which need improvement this year and in the future.

Considering these important quality-of-life issues and rating your achievements should be a time for contemplation, not for grieving past mistakes or about panicking while anticipating problems in the future. You will need to decide which areas are most important for you, rather than leave this issue completely open-ended..

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