Kuwait Kannada Koota Celebrates - Dasotsava “Bhaava Tharanga” - 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kuwait Kannada Koota Celebrated its first event of the year; Dasotsava with the theme of “Bhava Tharanga” at the Indian Community Senior School, Salmiya. Dasotsava is a regular annual event of the Koota which marks the beginning of the cultural activities of the association. The event showcased the spiritual and satsangi pious living of the legendary Sants and Dasas of Karnataka in particular. The event provides an opportunity to the kids of Koota to exhibit their multi-faceted talents in depicting the ways and teachings of the Dasas and Sants. The cultural committee headed by Smt. Sourabha Vikram produced a well-directed and exquisitely timed program. The executive committee president Shri Prabhakar Basavaraj, Vice President Shri Tharendra Shettigar, general secretary Shri Kiran Hulikal and treasurer Shri Ananthashayan Dambal inaugurated the Dasotsava by lighting the lamp. Then, Shri Prabhakar Basavaraj briefed about the program and welcomed the gathering. Several competitions were held for the kids which included fancy dress, recitations, and acts. Special theme of the evening - “Bhava Tharanga” had a richly enacted dance drama “Kalachakra” which was conceptualized by Smt. Sourabha Vikram and the cultural team depicting the major YUGAS – the Satya, the Threta, the Dwapara and the Kali yugas. The Dance drama was beautifully portrayed by the Koota kids which was appreciated by the audience with astounding applauds. The “Nagara Bhajane” well directed by Shri Suresh Saliyan was a visual treat presented by the kids of Koota.

The Dasotsava witnessed another regular event of felicitating the executive committee of the Koota for 2017. The first literary publication of the year, the “Marala Mallige” magazine containing articles, poems, art work, information, etc was released. The executive committee also felicitated all the successful class 10th and 12th students of Koota with a token of appreciation. This was followed by prize distribution to Kids who excelled in the stage competitions held earlier. Bhajans by the ladies of Koota in groups hailing from different locations in Kuwait and a series of Bhajans by the gents Bhajane Madali were performed. General Secretary of the Koota Shri. Kiran Hulikal proposed the vote of thanks. The program ended with a Satvik lunch.


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