Saradhi Kuwait Leaders Meet – 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Saradhi Kuwait, focusing on cementing the Leadership quality of their members now bearing the key positions of 13 units in Kuwait, this year also conducted the “Leaders Meet”. The Leaders Meet commenced by the lightening of lamp by Central Vanithavedhi Joint Treasurer Mrs. Vidhya Suresh which was followed by the prayer.

Saradhi Vice President Mr. K R Aji welcomed the audience and the respected guest and Central committee office bearers present on the occasion. A presentation “Glorious Past 1999-2016” covering the prime events of Saradhi till this date, details of the Leaders who steered Saradhi from the year of its inception, the achievements, the motto and above all the vision of Saradhi was shown. Later a Blog, exclusively to promote the abilities of Saradhi members, was inaugurated by President Mr. Sajeev Narayanan.

“Leaders in you” was the topic on which Mr. Afzal Ali focused on during his Motivational Session followed. This turn out to be a highly inspirational and informative for the audience who eagerly partook in the session.

Later, Advt. Rajesh Sagar explained in detail regarding the bylaw of Saradhi which was followed by the detailing by Advisory Board Member and former President Mr. Suresh K about the protocol and proceeding to be followed while conducting unit wise meetings and functions and former Treasurer Mr. Binil T D gave a speech, providing the Financial dealing and also the procedures the unit committees must follow to make the dealings transparent, which can make the governing of the unit smooth and secure.

The “Leaders Meet 2017” came to an end by the Vote of thanks by Secretary Mr. Manu K Mohan.


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