Being Unique is better than being perfect”

Marushka Fernandes, IIK Young Contributor
Thursday, December 29, 2016

I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is.
We all are unique, sometimes, we just don’t see it. The amount of light emitted by our uniqueness is blinding and indeed astounding. But why is it so difficult to find out in what way we are unique? This is because the journey to find our uniqueness which is tightly enclosed in a treasure chest is difficult, it requires hard work, determination and most of all inspiration. On our adventurous journey, we will of course stumble upon innumerable obstacles which may give us cuts and bruises, but we need to stand up and face them with great courage and braveness and most importantly never giving up. This indeed is truly hard and might require years to overcome but the following result is completely mesmerizing. Some of us do not recognize who we are destined to be and so we lose hope in ourselves, our confidence also vanishes. To gain this confidence back is the hardest thing you can ever do. But to destroy these fears and gain back what is lost we need to believe in ourselves and most importantly we must have a sense of thought abiding by the rules that I should do it, I will do it and I must do it.

Inspiring children should not be a tough challenge as mostly children think outside the box, they don’t just beat around the bush. Children go on ahead and seek new challenges, regardless of the consequences. But for various reasons most of the children have started to hold back, writing down the pessimistic list of what might happen. This could be due to too much supervision shown by the parents which forces children to rethink every action. Therefore, the advice given by the adults should be well optimistic and completely supportive to their children. If adults follow this the children will take a huge step towards success.

Most of us have observed poor people, the disabled and handicapped but have we experienced the feelings they undergo day by day? We pass by these needy citizens of our country without even sparing either time or money for them. Imagine how this might make them feel. This indirectly calls the needy people useless and good for nothing. This completely shatters their confidence, making them think that their life is a complete waste, they stop believing in themselves and this often leads to suicide. The reason why we don’t help the needy and disabled is because we do not want to experience what they are going through. Experience is the best teacher. But believe it or not, when we help other people solve their problems and help them get past various obstacles, we in turn will be able to tackle our own problems easier, quicker and more efficiently. This will help us to get closer to the path which holds our destiny and this releases our uniqueness which is often trapped inside us for many, many years.

I conclude by saying that we all should show off our uniqueness, we should not hide it behind walls. If we hide from our uniqueness we are not who we are, we are a total stranger to our own self. It is much easier to hide our uniqueness than to embrace it. That is why we mostly duplicate a fake version of who we are. So just remember that you are unique, the most valuable and priceless person ever standing in this world and you might not notice that you are important but just to tell you, thousands of people in this world adore you for who you are. Some people might throw some bad comments at you but don’t mind them and just ignore them for you are perfect for who you really are.

Disclaimer: This article is solely written for as a Young Contributor

Marushka Fernandes
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