How Important are Ambitions in Your Life and The Lives of other Young Adults

Avanija Menon
Monday, June 27, 2016

Have you ever set out to finish a project a week before the due date, but ended up rushing and messing it up right on the due date? Did you ever want to revise for that math’s exam thoroughly for ages and ages, but ended up doing it the midnight before the exam? Well, all I have to say is you need to have an ambition in life and some motives to stop failing in your life and making things seem easier. Yes, you are failing and read on if you want to know how important your ambitions are.

Clearly, ambitions provide a certain motive, goal or aim that you are working on and helps you to concentrate on it. For example, my ambition is to be a renowned journalist. To achieve this, I practice and strive to make my writing and research skills better. Studies have shown that over 80% of students and young adults who set a goal or an ambition are always immune to procrastination and end up committing to their job and doing it well. It also increases your responsibility and reduces procrastination. If you ambition is to be a scientist and you are very strong on your opinion, you would work very hard as if the only option left in your life is being a scientist. So, because of ambitions, students find the drive to finish it and also the motivation and always end up finishing it.

However, there has to be at least one negative battling the positives. The only bad thing about ambitions are that, maybe, some other event might come in and you won’t get the chance to concentrate on your goal as much and may have to push it aside for a little bit. The event can be anything, including a surprise test or a music competition. This can loosen the connection between you and your goal for a little bit, so as you can concentrate on the event more.

However, as we see, there are way more positives than negatives. If you have an event coming up, you can plan your schedule accordingly which helps you to devote your time to your goal. So, this demolishes the one negative of ambitions.

Clearly, ambitions give you a clear idea of what you will do in life and will provide you with the motivation to do the same. You will find a task easier with your ambition and set goals. Ambitions guide you through life, giving you success and neglecting procrastination. And to conclude, I must say that, if you don’t have an ambition, you might as well fail in life with the absence of a driving force and motivation. Keep the famous Sean Hampton quote in mind, ‘A dream without ambition is like a car without gas… are not going anywhere.’

Avanija Menon
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