In a heartfelt celebration of India’s 78 Independence Day, prestigious company Prime One Group in Kuwait celebrates together with a diverse team of professionals from different nationalities, embodying the spirit of unity and inclusiveness. The event was marked by warmth, camaraderie, and a shared appreciation for India's rich heritage and culture.
The atmosphere was electrifying, filled with laughter, joy, and a collective sense of pride. Colleagues embraced the opportunity to not only celebrate India's freedom but also to foster deeper connections across cultures.
The celebration was inaugurated by Senior Technical Manager Mr. Pramod Bonde and by Finance Manager, who is also a Loka Kerala Sabha member, Mr. Sathar Kunnil, to cut the beautifully designed cake adorned with the tricolor of the Indian flag. Their presence at the event was symbolic, bridging the gap between professional excellence and civic duty, illustrating the values of leadership and national pride.
Prime One Group’s Independence Day celebration was more than just a commemoration of a historic event; it was a reminder of the values that bind us together, regardless of nationality. The kindness, respect, and support exhibited by all attendees illuminated the essence of what it means to be part of an international family.