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Nature's Fury unleashed in God's Own (is it) Country!

Sujata Sivakrishnan Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What hypocrites we are- senselessly tampering our fragile, pristine eco system giving not a nought to either the glorious fauna or fauna.

But we like to call trumps to National indices that reflect the ' most literate State' in the Country.

The Heavens roared destruction, all pervasive woe and sorrow..

Heart wrenching TV Visuals of the mighty River Chaliyar sweeping away under its stormy muddied,

icy waters, innocent men, women, children,

dearly built homes and livelihoods of thousands in these magnificent,

ecologically sensitive Hills,

home to thousands of endangered species of plants, animals, birds and iridescent insects.

Now, will God weave them all over again on His brilliant Tapestry?

When will we as a Species ever realise the efficacy of the lines, 'The World has enough for everyone's need but not for anyone's greed' ?

Horrendous commercial activities were insidiously and steadily permitted in this beautiful expanse of green,

the misty romantic Hills with its breath-taking views, salubrious climate,

glorious Sunrises and mysterious Sunsets,

those deafening rocky Waterfalls and mountain Streams,

the deep Woods with it's mute Denizens of the Animal Kingdom,

we cruelly stripped it all, didn't we ?

Quarrying, felling giant trees for timber and even shamelessly crept into the shy

Tribal way of life, usurped their magnificent legacy making a business of it all !

Home Stays, Restaurants, plush Hotels and even Tree Houses,

to tempt avid Travellers,

thanks to Social media and Influencers,

these Hills saw too many footfalls over the past years.

The vulnerable Locals lost their simple, frugal way of life.

History repeats itself, the East India Company set foot on Indian soil in Surat in 1608,

plundered vast tracts of our land,

relentlessly siphoned off our precious Resources,

repressed our age old traditions and cultural practices,

subjugated our culture, heritage and stripped off everything Indian.

Fast forward to 4 centuries, could we peep into History 's Looking Glass and hold a mirror to ourselves ?

The Land Mafia, Building Dons, the Politicians elected with a popular Mandate,

stride with tremendous clout in the Corridors of Power in the State and Union Legislative Assemblies,

while law makers and the District Administration assumed the place of those white Traders and Conquerors of yore!

Do we have conscientious answers to this man- made, Disaster?

Even Nature loses patience!

As a Nation let it's people voice their concern and take a decisive stand to prevent illegal, catastrophic mining and eco tourism in the Hills and Valleys.

Sensitive zones and our precious animals be protected from prying greedy,

lascivious business activities.

Stronger, punitive laws must be enforced to keep our people and the environs safe and protected..

A greater role and powers be handed to the Locals to stand tall against bullying tactics of the rich and powerful.

Let's learn vital lessons from this mammoth,

terrifying Disaster for our own safety, well being and for posterity.


Sujata Sivakrishnan

Principal, Indian Central School, Kuwait. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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