The acting Director General of the Municipality Manal Al-Asfour issued an administrative circular to regulate the transportation of damaged and used tires. All licensed waste transporters and those seeking to transport damaged and used tires are required to comply with the circular.
Article 1 of the circular stresses the need to move damaged and used tires from their source locations to the designated tire recycling factories in Salmi. These factories are identified by specific coordinates and a QR-code specific for the site.
Article 2 mandates that transporters use the tire transport statement (manifest) prepared by the municipality, and ensure all required information is completed in the transport form attached to the circular.
Article 3 specifies that the recycling factories in Salmi will accept damaged and used tires around the clock.
Article 4 states that failure to transport tires as specified will result in fines and penalties according to the applicable regulations.
Article 5 requires transporters to submit a copy of the tire transport statement (manifest) at the end of each month to the Kuwait Municipality’s Environmental Affairs Department in Masayel.
Article 6 strictly prohibits transporting damaged tires through unlicensed waste carriers. Only those waste carriers approved by the competent committee in the municipality are permitted to handle these tires.
Article 7, the final clause, instructs individuals with any complaints or inquiries to contact the municipality directly.