Fasting has an important role in Islam.It is essential to observe fast from the age of 10.Sometimes in some situation it is optional to observe fast.such as:
1 i. while pregnency
ii. during period
iii. illness
iv. travelling
As we all know that having something and drinking is done before fajar azan and after magrib azan.We all worship Almighty Allah by prostating him.We all read Holy Quran and definately they are the best days to worship Allah.Almighty Allah said in Quran:Oh, you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn piety and righteousness” [Quran,2:183].It means fasting was and is an advise to everyone as we learn piety and righteoness.
It helps us to understand the situation of poor,how they survive by having nothing.Fasting gives patience.We all pray taravi every night.there are 30 ratak.It is optional.And at 21th in arabic day of ramadan 2 qayamul layl is started.and it end on the 29 day of ramadan.we meet each other on the day of eid.At that day we dont observe fast.We enjoy the day of eid.
Ahmed, Grade-8, Indian Community School Kuwait Khaitan |