Out in the blue sky Where the big birds fly Soaring away
In an array of display
Out peeked a head Of a little birds dread To embark on flight
In spite of plight
When would I fly
The little bird cried
When would I leave this nest To live a life fllled of zest
As he dwelled in his wants And courageous thoughts He saw at a distance
Of his parents and siblings
The little bird looked and thought for a while Emotions aroused and he let out a cry
How will I leave my mama and papa
How will I fly and flnd my own supper
The sight of her wailing son caught her attention And his mother flew with a sense of tension
As she inquired him and he poured his heart
The mother bird smiled and caressed him hard
Little one, don’t sigh of the futures’ store It is the way of life to learn and explore
When that day comes , you have to be steady And we all will be there whenever you’re ready
 | Shwetha Bawan, 11-F, FAIPS - DPS |