Outside the balcony, up above the sky,
When I wondered, how far I could fly,
I saw an old man, from the paradise.
He had a fluffy white beard, floating on the blue seas, there in the sky.
To him, I asked,
“O wise man! Why isn’t life like yours… calm, peaceful, happy, and cheerful?
O wise man! Why should life have changes, ups and downs!”
Unsurprisingly he replied,
“Son, the meaning of life is much beyond-
Beyond the vast oceans,
Beyond the skies.
Life is indeed like the surface of the seas.
Bad times pass by as good times do-
For change is unchangeable,
For, the only constant is change.
I am the good, I am the bad,
For it is me who gives rains as cyclones,
And I pass away when the time comes.”
(And that cloud passed by to the next balcony)
 | Sivesh Senthilkumar, 11-B, FAIPS - DPS |