“The true essence of Diwali had come aglow with vibrant colours of Rangoli.”
Each year comes the festive season and the Carmel corridors hustle and bustle with activity. However, this year, keeping in mind the law passed by the Kuwait Government, as a mark of respect, all stage assemblies and other activities involving music and dance had been put on hold. Instead, a Inter Class ‘Rangoli Making’ competition was organized by the school on November 9th, 2023, in which five students from each class from VIth to XIIth took part. In total, 29 teams participated in the competition. The competition was held in the school basement and it started off with encouraging words by our reverend Principal, Sr. Christy Maria.
Grades VIth to VIIIth comprised of the Junior category whereas grades IXth to XIIth made up the Senior category. The participants had two and a half hours to create their Rangoli and the top three Rangolis from each category were declared as the winners. The school premises came alive with vibrant hues and intricate designs as participants from different classes gathered in the designated area to exhibit their Rangoli-making skills. The participants, armed with an array of colorful powders, various tools and decorative elements, began crafting their Rangolis with meticulous detail. The atmosphere was filled with a spirit of healthy competition and mutual encouragement, as students exchanged ideas and techniques to enhance their creations.
Since all the Rangolis were done impeccably, the participants truly gave a tough time to the judges. This competition turned out to be the highlight of this year’s Diwali celebrations and it taught the students the true meaning of teamwork. It not only added vibrancy to the Diwali festivities at Carmel but also fostered a sense of community and cultural appreciation among the students. The event was a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education, emphasizing the importance of art, creativity, and cultural awareness in shaping well-rounded individuals.
Happy Diwali!