In today's world staying fit is very important for all. It is time to set a fitness regime for oneself and make Yoga a part of our daily life. Yoga will bring a positive change by making us physically, mentally, and spiritually fit.
Popular community portal is organizing a free Online Autumn Yoga Camp on Thursday, 28th September 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
The Camp is intended to clear several myths of Yoga. Is Yoga Connected with any religion? Do I need to be flexible to do yoga, Will I be able to start at my age? Will Yoga benefit me? How? What are the key benefits of Yoga? Will I be able to better manage myself - physically and emotionally?How will a Yogic Diet help me?Will I be able to better manage Weight / BP/ Diabetes / Immunity? Many other questions such as these will be clarified in the workshop.
The Camp also includes a Practical Demo. Learn simple and Structured way of practicing Yoga. You will be introduced to a 30 minutes Yoga Regimen which will help you remain FIT and HEALTHY, if practiced daily. Be ready with a Yoga Mat.
Yoga Camp will be conducted by Mr Crawford Wilson D'souza, QCI Certified Yoga Trainer.
Here is an opportunity to attend a FREE Camp in the comfort of your home. Those who are interested canClick here to Register