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Indian School of Excellence gives a tribute to India's Language of Heart on Hindi Diwas

Monday, September 25, 2023
Indian School of Excellence gives a tribute to India

“हिंदी भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा है। (Hindi is the soul of Indian culture.)”

Hindi, our nation's language, holds a special place in the hearts of all Indians. The language that not only enables conversation but also reveals the essence of an individual's personality.

On September 14, 2023, the Indian School of Excellence, Kuwait radiated with the spirit of Hindi Diwas, a lively tribute to the heartbeat of Indian culture. This remarkable event, thoughtfully orchestrated by students from grades 1 to 8, was a heartfelt gesture of appreciation for their beloved teachers.

The day commenced with the recitation of Islamic and School Prayer, instilling tranquillity in the hearts and minds of all attendees. Students showcased their talents, which included Hindi Conversations, Hindi Advertisements, Hindi Skits, Doha Gayan (recitation of traditional Hindi couplets), and soul-stirring songs. Mesmerizing dance performances added to the event's infectious energy, leaving the audience captivated.

The celebration featured an inspiring address by Mrs. Sherly Dennis, the Director of ISEK, who underscored the pivotal role of language in defining a nation's identity. She emphasized that every country takes immense pride in its own language, and Hindi is no exception. In her address, Mrs. Sherly Dennis shared words of encouragement and wisdom, motivating the students to strive for excellence in their pursuits. The assembly reached its pinnacle with the harmonious rendition of the National Anthem, symbolizing the unity and pride of our country at the Indian School of Excellence, Kuwait. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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