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YMCA Kuwait elected new office bearers for the year 2023-24.

Thursday, August 31, 2023
YMCA Kuwait elected new office bearers for the year 2023-24.

The meeting was chaired by the former president Mr. Mathew Varkey who served as the presiding officer. The Meeting unanimously elected the following office bearers and Board members for the year 2023-24.

A.I. Kurien (Patron), Mathew Varkey (President), Manoj Parimanam (General Secretary), Mathew Koshy (Trustee Accounts), John Abraham (Trustee Finance), Mathews Mammen (Vice President), Agesh Thomas (Jt. Secretary), Philip Thomas Kattanam (Auditor).

Board Members elected are Bento Cherian (Convener - Extravaganza), Joel Mathew (Jt. Convener - Extravaganza), Ajith Thomas Kannanpara (General Convener - Christmas Carol), Anil Abraham, Manoj Thomas, Sherin Baby Thomas (Conveners - Christmas Carol), Mathews Mammen (General Convener - Christmas Carol Singing Competition), Santhosh M. Philip (Jt. Convener - Christmas Carol Singing Competition), Dr. Sunny Andrews (Convener - Quiz Competition, Sunu Eapen, Joel Mathew (Choir Leaders), Dr. John Thomas, Sunu Eapen (Prayer Coordinators), Dr. Naveen George Thomas(Convener - Medical Camp), Alex Cherian (Convener - Souvenir), Reni Varghese (Jt. Convener - Souvenir), Manoj Mathew (Website), Raju Kurukavelil (Chairman - National Affairs, Mathew Eapen, James Varghese (Invitees to the Board) is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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