Tulu Koota Kuwait (TKK) organized a blood donation camp at Central Blood Bank in Jabriya, Kuwait. TKK is known for actively participating in various welfare activities both in India and Kuwait. With the aim of giving back to the society under the banner of "Give Blood, Save Life" and in light of the blood shortage in Kuwait, the blood donation camp was organized.
People of different ages actively participated in this noble task, donating their gift of life. The TKK volunteers and committee members coordinated the event with enthusiasm and dedication. In appreciation of the donors, TKK honored them with certificates and refreshment kits. Throughout the event, TKK advisors, ex-presidents, management, and committee members were present to contribute in various ways to the success of the blood donation camp.
The welfare officer, Mr. Vijaykumar Kairangala, led the coordination of the program, which was well received. TKK expressed their gratitude to all the medical staff and officials of the Kuwait Central Blood Bank for their kind cooperation in conducting the blood donation camp efficiently. Dr. Latifa Al-Dowaisan, the Medical Director of Salmiya Clinic Kuwait, attended the camp and emphasized the importance of blood donation. Salmiya Clinic sponsored the refreshment kits of the blood donors. Mr. Manoj Kumar designed the flyer, certificates, and roll-up banner. Mr. Wilson D Souza printed the certificates, and Sangeetha Restaurant provided evening snacks. President and welfare officer expressed their appreciation to all the sponsors of the event, including Al Mulla Exchange, Salmiya Clinic, Al-Ahleia Insurance, TVS Cargo, Khain Properties- Udupi, and FK Jewelers.