Our education system is turning us into mental slaves and the proof is our exams. From students to teachers we all are frustrated with exams. But why? What is one fault in our education system that needs to be changed as soon as possible? If we want to become better learners. What we need to do?
Let us understand why exams fail our youth?
We are going to implement a New Education Policy. Our ideas need to reach decision makers.
No Conceptual Learning
What’s wrong with exams?
Because exams do not focus on conceptual learning. There is a line in the film- 3 IDIOTS
“Under fear of the whip, even a lion sits tamely on a chair. But we call that lion ‘well trained’ we do not call the lion ‘well educated’. When we all heard the line we clapped loudly for sure but it has been 13 years since the movie is realsed. Did exams changed? Not at all. People ask, what other option do we have? Are there any better options to evaluate ourselves? The answer is Bloom’s Taxonomy which divides our learning process into six different stages.
We begin by reading and understanding things. The focus is on understanding and on application of learning’s. Then application of knowledge is analyzed. The results are evaluated and the learning process is concluded with creativity. For eg: Newton Laws of Motion, instead of learning in a closed classroom, we can learn these concepts in an open ground. We can see this in day to day life eg: we are taught this repeatedly that whatever our textbooks say is the absolute truth but if what is written in the textbooks is the truth then why are our textbooks outdated?
Why don’t we update the method of learning?
For eg: exam first mind set
Exam is not wrong ?
But after exam we forget everything that we learned. We give so much importance to our exam numbers.
That this race to get better numbers in the exam. Because some students focus on certificate but do not focus on the knowledge behind it.exams are not the only way to judge? Because every students is not the same kind of learners, Some students learn by experiencing things, some students learn by observing others, some students study by listening to music, just think about it. Does our education system gives an equal opportunity to all these different types of students? Or does it give a preference to students who are good at memorizing things?
We get a horse, fish, tortoise and a tiger to run the same race and then we expect a tortoise to overtake the tiger.
The fact is all of us come from different backgrounds why are exams wrong? Because exams teach us comparison based competition and we all are trying to memorize the answers instead of understanding the concept we are memorizing to beat the competition and running to score good percentage.
In today’s generation to get 90% is not a big deal but to get more than 99% is a big deal because now a day we only see how many students are ahead of us.
This attitude keeps us unhappy life long because we can’t tolerate others getting better result rather than caring about my marks my mom is worried about my friend’s marks and after hearing their marks she is always ready with her shoes and slippers on the door. This never improved my marks but always spoil my friendship. But after covid we all have learn a lesson that marks are not important but if we are talented and smarter we can reach our goal.