“New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” —Alex Morritt.
Now tell me, haven’t most of us made resolutions at the start of the year and ended up giving up within a week? I mean over the years I’ve made tons of new year resolutions and all of them have gone in vain. A new year is a new beginning that helps one to start over again and leave behind their past whether it was good or bad and start all over again. A new year is a time when we reflect back to the years that are gone by and realize how fast time has passed, it’s also then that you realize you need to do more things in life and not stick to the lifestyle we used to have.
A new year marks the beginning of a new beginning according to the Gregorian Calendar, in the year 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar which was used in some regions of Europe but was not used in other countries until centuries later. Fun fact, as stated by, there are about forty calendars used in the world today, specifically for deciding religious dates, but most modern countries have been following the Gregorian calendar for the past years. Back in 1752 when the Gregorian calendar started to be used more than the Julian calendar it bought a change to the format of the months, before 1752 new year was celebrated on March 25 and ultimately changed to January 1st. But Julian calendar is still being used by orthodox churches, the calendar was introduced by the Roman general Julius Caesar back in his time.
As the years have gone by and we’ve all faced many difficulties in the past, don’t lose hope assuming life is going to be the same, as time goes by we all change into a new person and life gives us more opportunities. I hope this year everyone gets to spread positive among each other and leave behind negative thoughts. Wishin y’all a Happy New Year!!