No matter how beautiful and handsome you are,
No matter how big and strong you are,
you will not carry yourself to your grave.
Be humble.
No matter how tall you are,
you can never see tomorrow.
Be patient.
No matter how light skinned you are,
you will always need light in darkness.
Take caution.
No matter how rich and many cars you have,
you will always walk to bed.
Be contented.
Take life easy, Life is short.
Have you taken note of the coincidence of life?
Church has 6 letters so does Mosque.
Bible has 5 letters so does Quran.
Life has 4 letters so does Dead.
Knowledge has 9 letters so does Ignorance.
Enemies have 7 letters so does Friends.
Lying has 5 letters so does Truth.
Hurt has 4 letters so does Heal.
Negative has 8 letters so does Positive.
Failure has 7 letters so does Success.
Below has 5 letters so does Above.
Cry has 3 letters so does Joy.
Anger has 5 letters so does Happy.
Right has 5 letters so does Wrong.
Rich has 4 letters so does Poor.
Fail has 4 letters so does Pass.
Hate has 4 letters so does Love.
Are they all coincidence?
We should choose wisely this means life is like a double-edged sword. If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realize that it is the Grace of the great Architect of the universe that woke you up. In life, whatever you really want will never come so easy. Like a child learning to walk the skills achieve most through diligent practice. So learning is a ladder of process. We don’t learn to walk by following rules. Henceforth, we learn by doing and falling over.
This is life take it easy and enjoy it because life is too short and “Zindagi na milegi Daubara.”