One winter night, when I went for a walk, I heard a strange noise and I was a bit scared but I asked myself ,”Why should I be scared? It might be some people talking.” I followed the noise. The noise was closer now. Then I found a gathering of snowmen having a meeting in a snow cave. “Oh!! It’s the snowmen.” My parents used to tell me stories of a few snowmen trying to prove the ghosts were fake,”I thought. I hid myself in the cave and tried to hear what they were talking. The leader of the group was asking one of the snowmen, named Snowy, ‘’Hey Snowy, my friends were saying that ghosts are fake. What do you think?” Snowy replied,” Bu...bu.. but I heard that a particular type of ghost is seen nowadays”. But the leader failed to believe it. So I got a great idea to scare all of them. I started walking towards them slowly without making noise. I jumped on to the group of snowmen, screaming and howling loud. All of them got frightened and shrieked with fear and ran away quickly. I stood there laughing at my little prank and went back to my house to tell my adventure to my parents.
 | Bhadra.P.G Class: 4-A IES,Bhavans |