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32nd Martyrdom day of Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi Observed

Monday, May 22, 2023
32nd Martyrdom day of Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi Observed

A cross section of the Indian community in Kuwait paid rich tributes to former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on his 32nd death anniversary on May 21, 2023 during a solemn event organised at the residence of Rajiv Gandhi Awards Committee (RGAC) Chairman, Markos Williams.

Mukesh Kumar, Partner of Mughal Mahal Restaurant Group inaugurated the event by lighting the traditional lamp.

Speaking on the occasion, Sunoj Nambiar, Founder – Director of said that Rajiv Gandhi paved the way for the India of today. “Rajiv Gandhi’s vision empowered the people of Indias,” he said and added “the computer revolution ushered in by Rajiv Gandhi laid the foundation for the progress and growth of a new India”.

In his introductory remarks Markos Williams said “RGAC has been observing Rajiv Gandhi Martyrdom Day every year since Mrs Sonia Gandhi visited Kuwait at the invitation of RGAC in 1998 to present the Rajiv Gandhi Awards for Excellence.” He quoted Rajiv Gandhi who said, “Our traditions of tolerance, of assimilation, are threatened from two angles. One threat is from materialism overtaking certain sections of our society. The second threat is from fundamentalism and communalism, regionalism and other such isms that are based invariably on intolerance and violence that mislead in projecting simplistic solutions to highly complex problems”.

To conclude the event, Mabel Joby administered the Anti Terrorism Pledge taken on the occasion to all present which exhorts “working for the emotional oneness and harmony of all the people of India regardless of caste, creed, religion or language and to resolve all differences through dialogue and constitutional means without resorting to violence”. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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