Termination from Service.

posted by Mathew on Monday, February 24, 2020

Hi Viewers,.
I am seeking your kind help for my below matter. I am working in private company since the last 18 years. From the last 2 years, company is not transferring the employees salary in Bank properly. Transferring only once in 3, 4 months to maintain the status in Shawn. The meantime, they will take it back the salary from the employees. The reason says the shortage of money and promise, it will give it back soon. Because of these activities, now company file is blocked in Shawn. My residence will finish on 6th of March and I requested for renewal. For that company put December and January salary on 13th of this month. Like earlier, they asked us to return the money. I strongly refused. Immediately they terminated me with 3 months notice period. Also, they informed me that they will not renew my residence and give 3 months temporary residence and during this time, you can transfer the residence. Now my question is, already I am in 3 months notice period and my last date of service is on 13th of May. My temporary residence will also finish around that time, if they put. The company file is still blocked and no transaction is possible. Is it the companies decision is logic. How they can give 3 months temporary residence. Without residence how they can terminate, especially an old employee. If so how can I transfer my residence to another sponsor. waiting for your valuable reply.

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