Travel Ban due to non payment of loan installment.

posted by S.K on Wednesday, June 16, 2021

I have a loan from bank,i have been paying the installment regularly without fail.2018 i was terminated from job,with indemnity amount i cleared part of loan,paid installment for few months. After several attempt failed to find job i was jobless due to which i was irregular in paying my installments. 4 months back i got a job but salary is very low which barely help me for expenses, my husband is not supportive in any ways i have been single handedly managing myself,my kids. i had to send kids to india( parents house). After getting a job immediately i visited the bank & spoke to the officer in recovery department informing i got a job showed my salary paper and requested that i can start paying with a small amount for few months and later as salary increase i will add up more amount as its better to pay something rather then paying nothing at all.The officer did not say anything, i started depositing the amount in my account but after two months i received a notice in saying i have the outstanding amount & there is a legal case on me, i called bank they said you have to go to court bank cannot help now. i went to court they said we cannot do anything unless there is a legal case on you, on my MOI app when checked it was not showing any case or travel ban. next month i received another notice this time it showed travel ban on MOI app, i went to the court again, they said we cannot do anything unless there is a arrest warrant.
i was referred to a lawyer by friend she advised to pay 100KD or more directly to the ministry of justice website until the case comes on my name( i tried doing that but there is option to pay all the full amount not installment) later she said to go to court directly and pay.
i am very helpless & dont know what to do whom to approach as i dont want to be arrested,some people say that my visa ( which is due in 2 months) wont be renewed if i have travel ban. i pray if someone can just guide me i am helpless fighting this alone.

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