Online Tuition''s and School fees-Is it fair and honest to ask full payment?

posted by Concerned Parent on Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dear Parents,
Many of kids who take tuition online the parents have been paying full fee as asked by Teachers taking tuitons. Is this fair by teachers to ask full payment at time of pandemic whose many parents have lost jobs or paid no salaries or paid little? Are these teachers concerned about students or is it business for them with full payment expectations in name of welfare of students i don think so they love students if this is case. Same case lies with schools as students have not used the infrastructure nor teachers presence to ask doubts explanation it is not same as live classroom teachers must have conscience and understanding. Many dont have good computers, net connectivity. as also many parents had to invest here..but still all expect full payments... where is humanity ,moral values , kindness honesty teachers taught? So teachers school management please be kind not ask parents full payment of online tuition or school teaching. At least half or some concession is ok as parents too understand that teachers need the salaries to sustain.Also teachers must not take tuition''s in July Aug and same trend must be followed as this will squeeze pockets of parents and parents should note this.

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