Corona in Kuwait – Are you against the virus or with the virus?

posted by Mehboob Alam Jilani on Monday, March 16, 2020

Kuwait has shown a very vigilant and wide awake, the action taken by government despite the big losses in business shows that this country considers the health of citizens and residents above everything. The companies, citizens and residents who come forward closed their business and supported the government shown that they are generous.

The reason all those people who closed the business and supported gov are praiseworthy because I see every day from my neighbor, many of them still continuing to visit their offices and work place to help some of negligent people achieve their sales and profit targets. Their owners either knowingly or unknowingly building their fortune over the risk of many innocent people lives. When I see those people from my neighbors going every morning to their workplaces, it breaks my heart. It shows the ethics has died. But do not worry my friends this hard time show with whom are you working and how much they care about you, your health and your loved ones.

Few words for the heartless bosses or those in position to take action, when the world recover from this which will be soon by god will, just think what your roles in this was. When the whole world is fighting against CoVID-19, you are actually standing with this evil virus. You and your mind like people are the reason this virus has spread and went out of control. You need to consider how these many people got affected who are those people? let’s get real those are from those groups who have not isolated or self-quarantine because you force them to work for you. Yes you are helping this virus become powerful by putting your team and colleagues in danger.

If you think you have ethics or if you are a person who could do anything for them, either directly or indirectly, by permitting or convincing the higher authority, please do it, contribute to fight this epidemic and help your people and this world. Be a great leader, a better person and be a good soul.

-Be Safe Kuwait

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