How to deal with the situation?

posted by How to deal with the situation? on Saturday, August 6, 2022

20 years back, I was working in India. After I came kuwait I kept friendly relations with old colleagues via e-mail and WA but never ever met them. Yesterday old colleague called me saying his daughter''s wedding is fixed but he is finding very difficult to arrange money since he has ongoing home loan and requested me to help financially, saying he will return money as and when he is able without interest. He is asking Rs. 3 lakhs for help. Now my questions are as below:

1. I was expecting he would ask Rs. 25000 but he is asking huge amount. Since there will not be any written agreement on loan, just trust only, is it ok to give him huge amount since I have never met him in last 20 years and don''t know which area he lives in. I have left the city I used to work and settled in some other city 1500 Km away from him.

2. I am ready to pay Rs. 20000 as gift (without return) to his daughter and little help to him.

How to say no to him for not helping him huge amount. I don''t want to spoil my relations with him and I want to help him too. My financial situation is not much better and managing with little salary.

Kindly advise what would you do in my situation.

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