
posted by Sam on Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Please be noted that I have been cheated by one Indian. He put and advertisement in Iik for the sale of visa. I contacted him. He took me to one sponsor I paid 100 kd advance for visa then I was asking him the update so he arranged me one 18 no. Visa through another sponsor and total amount he told me to pay was 1400 kd, the when he came with that sponsor to my place with that original visa in that visa passport last one number was less so I refused to take the visa but the sponsor told me that he have a big vasta he assured me that while visa stamping in India in kuwait embassy will not face any problem but the kuwait embassy directly they refused to stamp the visa, again in the visa the passport no is corrected but the made mistake in the name English name was wrong but Arabic name was correct but still the kuwait embassy in India they refuse to stamp now the agent the Indian fraud who is in Kuwait he sweetly he talk to me and took the original visa and he got it cancelled and he told me that your money is gone so now what should I do should I log a complaint in the police station or I file a case against him in the court through one advocate Total he took from me 1375 kd. I have that 2 visa copy which he issued and also I deposited 250 kd in his bank account. Also I have the communication which we did through whatsup in writing. Genuine advice please.

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