Driving licence for Khadim visa holder

posted by S.S.L.C. on Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Recently I got D/L from Hawally muroor.I am khadim. I took B.test from German clinic and eye test from Kurtuba.I went to Embassy with my Indian driving licence and get attested from there.They charged me 6.750 KD and with that attested paper went to an office near liberation tower and took stamp Kd 5.With all these papers I went to H.muroor. From there I typed application .All the papers(blood test,eye test,id copy ,attested indian d/l paper,sponsers self signed id copy and typed form) submtd in that office .They gave me back all these papers with one temp d/l.I went to test ground near PACI office and get the date for test.On the test day I attended for a writen test.They gave back the answer sheet.I have failed 6 test and on 7 passed.They gave one green paper with my temp d/l.Again I went to Hawally muroor with all papers incl. the answer sheet of writen test and submitted there.I took 2Kd stmp and get licnse within 10 mints.(I am not so expert in Eng.forgive me if any mistake)

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