MP proposes evening working hours for all as temperature crosses 50 degree

Monday, June 10, 2019

MP Faisal AlKandari has submitted a bill stating that the working hours in governmental authorities during summer should be from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm as the temperature recorded in Kuwait crosses 50 degrees Celsius and above. The bill stipulates that the working hours in every service department in governmental authorities should be from 5:00 to 10:00 pm starting from June 1 to Aug 31 every year.

According to him, this temperature is harmful to the human body. Additionally, high temperatures subject State utilities such as power generation to tremendous pressure which could lead to blackouts and critical power failures.

He said the bill allows flexibility for governmental authorities to coordinate with each other in order to ensure continuity of operations and services.

According to him several scientific studies and forecasts revealed the region is experiencing a significant climate change with temperatures rising to as high as 60 degrees Celsius; making this bill vital for the stability of governmental operations, environmental contingencies and general healthcare.


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