Traffic-related crimes highest in Kuwait

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Kuwaiti courts dealt with 2,316 juvenile cases for 3,390 suspects in 2018, the annual report, the Ministry of Justice Juvenile Prosecution said.

According to report, traffic-related crimes topped the list, representing 61.1 percent, followed by assault (14.7 percent), theft (9.8 percent) and other crimes (3.6 percent), namely related to the environment, exposing others to deviation and misdemeanors. The remaining include drugs and alcohol-related (2.7 percent), indecency and reputation-related (2.6 percent), environmental (2.5 percent), course of justice and public servant duty crimes (1.5 percent) and abuse by phone or social media (1.5 percent).

Since 2012, traffic-related and drug and alcohol-related cases recorded the highest increase – 800 percent and 500 percent respectively.


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